
interface HealthData

Interface for retrieving measurements.

HealthData accumulate data from wristband and server at local database.


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abstract val currentNeuroData: Flowable<NeuroData>

Returns Flowable that emits last neuroactivity.

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abstract val currentStressLevel: Flowable<Float>

Returns Flowable that emits current stress level.

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abstract val currentStressState: Flowable<StressState>

Returns Flowable that emits current stress state.

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abstract val energyDataMaxTimestamp: Flowable<Long>

Returns Flowable that emits UNIX-timestamp of last energy data.

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abstract val hydrationState: Flowable<HydrationState>

Returns Flowable that emits current hydration state.

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abstract val lastStressData: Flowable<StressData>

Returns Flowable that emits last stress data.

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abstract val minTimestamp: Flowable<Long>

Returns Flowable that emits UNIX timestamp of the first measurements.

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abstract val stressDataMaxTimestamp: Flowable<Long>

Returns Flowable that emits UNIX-timestamp of last stress data.


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abstract fun addWeight(weight: HDWeight, precision: Int? = null): Completable

Add new weight.

abstract fun addWeight(weights: List<HDWeight>, precision: Int? = null): Completable

Add new weights.

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abstract fun addWeightGoal(goal: HDWeightGoal): Completable

Add new weight goal.

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abstract fun addWeightWithSkip(weights: List<HDWeight>, precision: Int? = null): Completable

Add new weights and skip all already existed weights.

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abstract fun deleteWeight(weight: HDWeight): Completable

Delete existing weight.

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abstract fun getAllDaySummaries(daysBack: Int): Flowable<DaySummary>

Returns Flowable that emits summary for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getBloodPressure(daysBack: Int): Flowable<List<BloodPressure>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of blood pressure measurements for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getDeletedWeights(from: Long = 0, asc: Boolean = true): Single<List<HDWeight>>

Returns Single that emits deleted weights sorted by HDWeight.measurementTime.

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abstract fun getEnergyData(daysBack: Int): Flowable<List<EnergyData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of energy data for day daysBack ago.

abstract fun getEnergyData(sinceTimestamp: Long): Flowable<List<EnergyData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of energy data since specified time.

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abstract fun getEnergySummary(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Container<EnergySummary>>

Returns Flowable that emits container with energy summary for day daysBack ago.

abstract fun getEnergySummary(from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<List<Container<EnergySummary>>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of containers with energy summaries for period from from to to.

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abstract fun getEnergySummaryDates(from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<List<Date>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of dates of energy summaries for period from from to to.

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abstract fun getFinalizedMealData(since: Long): Flowable<List<MealData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of finalized meals (which won't be changed) since specified time.

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abstract fun getHeartData(daysBack: Int): Flowable<List<HeartData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of heart data for day daysBack ago.

abstract fun getHeartData(sinceTimestamp: Long): Flowable<List<HeartData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of heart data since specified time.

abstract fun getHeartData(from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<List<HeartData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of heart data for period from from to to.

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abstract fun getHeartSummary(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Container<HeartSummary>>

Returns Flowable that emits container with heart summary for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getHydrationSummary(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Container<HydrationSummary>>

Returns Flowable that emits container with hydration summary for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getMaxStressData(daysBack: Int): Single<Float>

Returns Single that emits maximum stress value for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getMealsGroupsInBounds(periods: Map<Int, LongRange>): Flowable<Map<Int, List<MealData>>>

Returns Flowable that emits lists of meals for periods.

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abstract fun getMinStressData(daysBack: Int): Single<Float>

Returns Single that emits minimum stress value for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getMinTimestamp(sinceTimestamp: Long): Flowable<Long>

Returns Flowable that emits UNIX timestamp of the first measurements since specified time.

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abstract fun getNeuroSummary(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Container<NeuroSummary>>

Returns Flowable that emits container with neuroactivity summary for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getNonDeletedWeights(from: Timestamp = 0, to: Long = Timestamp.MAX_VALUE, exceptSource: Source, asc: Boolean = true): Single<List<HDWeight>>

Returns Single that emits non deleted weight sorted by HDWeight.measurementTime.

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abstract fun getNotDeletedMealData(daysBack: Int): Flowable<List<MealData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of meals for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getNotDeletedMealsBetween(from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<List<MealData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of meals for period from from to to.

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abstract fun getStepsData(sinceTimestamp: Long): Flowable<List<StepsData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of steps data since specified time.

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abstract fun getStressData(daysBack: Int): Flowable<List<StressData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of stress data for day daysBack ago.

abstract fun getStressData(from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<List<StressData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of stress data for period from from to to.

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abstract fun getStressSummary(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Container<StressSummary>>

Returns Flowable that emits container with stress summary for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun getStressTimeMinutes(level: StressLevel, daysBack: Int): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits duration in minutes of specified stress level for day daysBack ago.

abstract fun getStressTimeMinutes(level: StressLevel, from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits duration in minutes of specified stress level for period from from to to.

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abstract fun getUpdatedWeights(from: Long = 0, exceptSource: Source, asc: Boolean = true): Single<List<HDWeight>>

Returns Single that emits non deleted weights sorted by HDWeight.measurementTime.

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abstract fun getWeightLastTimestamp(source: Source? = null): Single<Timestamp>

Return Single that emits last HDWeight.measurementTime or 0 as UNIX timestamp.

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abstract fun observeAccumulatedStressDuration(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Int>
abstract fun observeAccumulatedStressDuration(from: Timestamp, to: Timestamp): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits duration of accumulated stress (stress above normal) in minutes for specified period.

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Returns Flowable that emits duration of current stress state.

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abstract fun observeHeartRate(): Observable<CurrentHeartRate>

Returns Observable that emits information of current heart rate.

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abstract fun observeHydrationData(daysBack: Int): Flowable<List<HydrationData>>

Returns Flowable that emits list of hydration data for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun observeHydrationDataMaxTimestamp(): Flowable<Long>

Returns Flowable that emits UNIX-timestamp of last hydration data.

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abstract fun observeLastHydrationData(): Flowable<HydrationData>

Returns Flowable that emits last hydration data.

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abstract fun observeLastWeight(from: Timestamp = 0, to: Timestamp = Timestamp.MAX_VALUE): Flowable<HDWeight>

Returns Flowable that emits last non deleted weight.

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abstract fun observeLastWeightGoal(): Flowable<HDWeightGoal>

Returns Flowable that emits last weight goal.

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abstract fun observeMaxDailyBpmValue(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits maximum pulse for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun observeMinDailyBpmValue(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits minimum pulse for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun observeNutrients(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Nutrients>

Returns Flowable that emits nutrients for day daysBack ago.

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abstract fun observeWeightGoalsDesc(): Flowable<List<HDWeightGoal>>

Returns Flowable that emits weight goals sorted descending.

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abstract fun observeWeightsNonDeleted(asc: Boolean = true): Flowable<List<HDWeight>>

Returns Flowable that emits non deleted weights sorted by HDWeight.measurementTime.

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abstract fun secondsOfWearing(daysBack: Int): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits wearing duration in seconds for day daysBack ago.

abstract fun secondsOfWearing(from: Long, to: Long): Flowable<Int>

Returns Flowable that emits wearing duration in seconds for period from from to to.

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abstract fun updateWeight(newWeight: HDWeight, oldWeight: HDWeight, precision: Int? = null): Completable

Update existing weight.

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abstract fun updateWeightGoalStatus(goal: HDWeightGoal, newStatus: GoalStatus? = null, changeStatusDate: Timestamp = currentTimestamp): Completable

Update weight goal status.


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RxJava2 neuroactivity interface getter for HealthData.

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Coroutines & Flow neuroactivity interface getter for HealthData.

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RxJava2 sleep data interface getter for HealthData.