
data class EnergySummary

Full summary about consumed and burned kcal, about activities and nutrients during one day.


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amount of kcal burned by activities

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time in minutes spend by the user for activities

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amount of kcal spent by basal metabolism

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time in minutes spent by the user for basal metabolism

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distance in meters traveled by user

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amount of kcal consumed

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amount of burned kcal

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Information about nutrients consumed during a day.

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amount of kcal burned by routine activity

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time in minutes spent by the user for routine activity

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amount of kcal burned by running

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time in minutes spent by the user for running

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amount of kcal burned by sitting activity

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time in minutes spent by the user for sitting activity

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val steps: Int

steps count traveled by user

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val timestamp: Timestamp

data is valid from day start to this UNIX-timestamp

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amount of kcal burned by walking

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time in minutes spent by the user for walking


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Returns distance traveled by the user in specified units.

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fun getWearingDuration(units: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS): Long

Returns wearing duration in specified units. Default units: TimeUnit.SECONDS.