
data class SleepSummary

Full summary about sleeps for the twenty-four hours.


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Sleep quality.

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Sleeps included in the twenty-four hours (ended in the day).


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Returns total awakes count for the day.

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fun getAwakesDuration(units: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES): Long

Returns total duration of awakes for the day in specified time units. Default units: TimeUnit.MINUTES.

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fun getSleepDuration(units: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES): Long

Returns sleep duration in specified time units (doesn't include duration of awakes). Default units: TimeUnit.MINUTES.

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fun getTotalTimeInBed(units: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES): Long

Returns total time in bed (sleep duration with duration of awakes) for the day in specified time units. Default units: TimeUnit.MINUTES.