
Alarm information:

NOTE: do NOT use constructor. Use Alarms.create for creating new alarm.

See also


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object Companion


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Set of days when alarm will go off.

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@get:JvmName(name = "isEnabled")
var enabled: Boolean = false

If this is false alarm won't go off.

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var id: Int = 0

Get alarm id.

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Alarm time in minutes since midnight (e.g. for alarm with alarm time 7:15 this value must be 7 * 60 + 15 = 435).

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@get:JvmName(name = "isRepeatEveryWeek")
var repeatEveryWeek: Boolean = false

If this value is false alarm will go off only once and for true alarm will go off on every day in days.

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var sleepQuality: Int = 0

Alarm will go off when sleep quality reach this level.

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This value specifies in how minutes earlier than alarm time (minutes since midnight) alarm by rem phase may go off if it will better or easier for user to wake up.

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Alarms may be by quality or by rem phase (see Time window duration).


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fun addDay(day: AlarmDay)

Add alarm day.

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fun clearDays()

Clear set of days when alarm must go off.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: UserAlarm): Int

Compares this value with the specified value for order. Returns zero if this value is equal to the specified other value, a negative number if it's less than other, or a positive number if it's greater than other.

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fun isSame(another: UserAlarm?): Int

Check is this alarm and another the same.

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Remove alarm day. NOTE: set Repeat every week in true before call to Alarms.add or Alarms.update or this value will be ignored.


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Check is alarm will go off today.